When Wishes Come True


It’s the new years’ that we always carry out our tons of wishes that we have been preparing since the beginning of the previous one, and we go like dogs sniffing our names on the wrapped gifts under the tree. But have we ever tried to put our wishes in something more meaningful than a wrapped red and green gift paper?

On a normal day which the only different thing about it is being one day away from the new year, where the sun is trying to take its place in my home, sipping my morning tea, I tried to go through 2012 with all its bad and good, with everything that’s related to me. I removed the piles of dust away from my heavy memory and tried to open it, at first everything was vague as an old book with blank pages or nearly erased words and pictures, but then everything appeared as clearly as ever, every single event stood out in front of my eyes as if it was just yesterday. I remembered a virus that catches me every beginning of a new year, and last year I didn’t know whether God was removing what was left from 2011 or trying to tell me “that’s half of what you are going to witness” and from there went out  my new year, my 2012.

If you tried to think about it, all our wishes are part of our everyday life, like wishing for those small things every time you got to pass by your own mind. Like wishing you just wore one more layer of clothes when the wind hits your face the time you decided to go out, or wishing to find a parking place for your car wherever you go, or else wishing you could have more hours of sleep, and the list can go on till it reaches you regretting doing something and saying “I wish I hadn’t done that”.

But what about wishing the years never pass, or about never getting older? What about wishing that people never die or you never have to lose them? Or what about wishing that we never have to worry or even think about anything? Where are all those wishes? They are always there, but it’s all because of the nature of the human beings being weak in front of their lusts that they even forget about those more important wishes, and we have to accept that sooner or later.

All those wishes will be nothing without praying for them and thanking God when you finally get them. I don’t know why people celebrate the new years’ which make them only a step closer to their end, closer to taking their payments, closer to their departure. When the new years’ hit you try to take every step wisely because one step forward will never be repeated. A change of a number only measures your existence on this planet.

With all those gift boxes, with all those fireworks, with all the love, respect and appreciation am wishing you all the happiest 2013, don’t forget to make your wishes, the small and the big, spread them throughout your new 365-pages-book, and ask God to bring them true at your doorsteps.

Happy New year =)


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